Pete’s Gear: Boss OD-1 Overdrive pedal
Beginning in 1999, Pete began using a Boss OD-1 overdrive pedal to drive the Fender Vibro-King amps at moderate stage volumes. The pedal was paired with an MXR Dyna Comp compression pedal (until 2004, when he began using an MXR Super Comp).
In August 2006, the Boss overdrive pedal was incorporated into the Pete Cornish Custom Design custom effects board in place of his previous stand-alone foot pedal effects.
Pete placed the pedals to the right of his microphone stand.

Ca. August 2000, on stage with the MXR Dyna-Comp and Boss OD-1 overdrive visible at right of mic stand. Guitar is Fender Eric Clapton model Stratocasters.

Ca. 2000, Pete in the dressing room with a collection of LED and non-LED MXR Dyna-Comp pedals and Boss OD-1 overdrive pedals. Guitars are Fender Eric Clapton model Stratocasters.

Ca. 2006, Pete Cornish custom pedal visible at right of Pete’s mic stand. Fender Vibro-King two-button control pedal visible in shadow under large wedge monitor at left.
Resources and Information
(Note: Boss has replaced the OD-1 with the OD-3.)